Luxofood on Whats New Indonesia
LuxoFood has been featured on Whats New Indonesia, new Entity now owning Whats New Jakarta!!
“Dining at Michelin star rated restaurants is often a rare experience that only few people have had the opportunity to enjoy. All details have been taken care of, each and every single aspect has been addressed. When it comes to food, it all starts with the description by the waiter and the on plate presentation. By the time we are ready to eat, the scent and flavours have already interacted with our sense of smell and our brain just asks for more.
When our taste buds get in touch with the food, it’s an explosion of numerous amazing flavours and a fabulous experience. Rarely does someone leave a top notch restaurant feeling disappointed with the meal. Master chefs invest their time on sourcing the best and freshest products they can find. They know that, without good ingredients and genuine food products, delighting the customer is almost impossible. There is no compromise on quality, and it takes time to find the right producer or distributor. Then comes developing the relationship and assessing the reliability of the products.”
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