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4 Best Ways to Make Coffee Healthier at Home – LuxoFood

Sometimes it’s good, other times not so. The health effects of coffee can sometimes seem divided. But despite what you may have heard, there are plenty of good health benefits in coffee. Not only is it high in antioxidants, coffee is linked to reduced risks of many diseases such as Alzheimer, diabetes type 2, liver problems and more. Some studies even linked coffee to longer life. 

The health effects of coffee can sometimes seem divided. But despite what you may have heard, here are best tips to make coffee healthier

The key to enjoying a good cup of coffee is knowing the ways to make coffee healthier. So if you’re the type who can’t live without coffee and love to buy coffee online or offline, time to check out these 6 best ways to make coffee healthier :

1. Drink It Black

While bitter, black coffee offers health benefits, from preventing Alzheimer to reducing cancer risks, diabetes, heart problems and others. Black coffee is rich in antioxidants, which can fight cell damage and reduce your risk of serious health conditions. Black coffee also contains high levels of Vitamin B2, caffeine, and magnesium. Each time you buy coffee online, try to keep it purely black from freshly ground beans for the best taste. 

2. Go Easy With Sugar

If you’re not the type to enjoy black coffee, at least do not load your coffee with too much sugar. Added sugar is arguably one of the most harmful ingredients in the modern diet, easily turning the healthy benefits of coffee into something bad for the health. For a sweet natural taste, you can opt for natural sweetener or try honey for a change as well as milk for added benefits

3. Brew Quality Beans

The beans matter. A lot of mass-market coffee brands may contain mycotoxins in the coffee grinds, which can have a negative effect on your health. This is why at LuxoFood, we recommend you to buy malongo coffee online at our store.

The health effects of coffee can sometimes seem divided. But despite what you may have heard, here are best tips to make coffee healthier

Malongo is a French Living Heritage Company, a prestigious label that singles out the French expertise of excellence. They sell exceptional coffee in the form of beans, grounds or in pods. Today, Malongo is also the leading actor for fair trade coffees and bio-coffees recognized for the quality of its coffee and the strength of its ethical commitments.  Buy malongo coffee online today!

4. Brew with a French press

If you’re looking to save time in the morning—and potentially protect your health—experts suggest that steeping your ground coffee in a French press can be beneficial. While more large-scale research is necessary to confirm these findings, research published in Cancer Causes & Control linked consuming boiled (a.k.a. French press) coffee with a reduced risk of breast cancer.

All The Best Quality – Buy Coffee Online at LuxoFood

The health effects of coffee can sometimes seem divided. But despite what you may have heard, here are best tips to make coffee healthier

When you buy coffee online at LuxoFood, expect nothing less than a wide selection of quality coffee beans including the trusted Malongo in our store. We are proud to be bringing you unique organic and carefully-sourced coffee, all set for your most delicious and healthiest coffee experience. Anytime you want to try ways to make coffee healthier at come, just head straight to our store and buy coffee online with complete satisfaction!

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