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3 Delicious & Easy Beef Recipes with Balinese Style

Many people love the Balinese recipes due to its complex and delicious flavors, including beef recipes from Bali. Typically, Balinese beef recipes are very rich and aromatic but easy enough to prepare! Pair that with the delicious nature and healthy benefits of beef, you’re in for a nice treat. So get ready to buy beef online and check out our 3 picks of Balinese beef recipes below : 

1. Balinese Beef Strips

This is a traditional beef recipe that requires a slow braising method, so  it may take a few hours to make. But also because of its meticulous cooking way, you’re guaranteed to have all the flavors fully absorbed for a wonderful meal. 

3 delicious & easy beef recipes with balinese style
3 delicious & easy beef recipes with balinese style

Ingredients : 

  • 350 grams slab of boneless stewing beef pressure-cooked with 1 ½ cups water & 3 tablespoons soy sauce for 45 minutes
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 1 one-inch knob piece ginger
  • 2 shallots or 1 onion
  • 2 bird’s eye chilies
  • 1 kaffir lime leaf
  • 2 tbsps vegetable cooking oil
  • 1 teaspoon shrimp paste
  • 2 tablespoons tamarind paste
  • 2 to 3 tablespoons palm sugar brown sugar is okay
  • 2 to 3 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 1 bird’s eye chili finely chopped, to garnish
  • sliced scallions or onion leaves, to garnish



  1. Cut the beef into strips about a quarter of an inch thick and three inches long.
  2. Pound the garlic, shallots, ginger and chilis to a paste. Use a mortar and pestle, a blender or a food processor.
  3. Heat the cooking oil in a wok or frying pan. Add the paste and cook until fragrant, about a minute.
  4. Add the beef to the pan. Stir to coat each piece with the spice paste.
  5. Add the kaffir lime leaf, tamarind juice, palm sugar, soy sauce and shrimp paste. Pour in the liquid in which the beef was pressure-cooked.
  6. Bring to the boil, lower the heat, cover and simmer for 20 to 30 minutes or until the beef is tender and the sauce has thickened and reduced. Taste the sauce, adjust the seasonings if needed.
  7. Sprinkle with finely sliced chili and scallions, and serve hot.

2. Balinese Spicy Beef

Spicy taste is a big part of Indonesian cuisines, including in Balinese beef recipes. In this one, you’ll be creating a side dish that pairs well with a serving of warm rice. Don’t be mistaken though, this side is really the main star of the show!

3 delicious & easy beef recipes with balinese style
3 delicious & easy beef recipes with balinese style

Ingredients (for 2-3 persons):

  • 500 gr/1 lb 2 oz beef, thinly sliced
  • 1 tomato, roughly chopped
  • 2 cm or 1 tbsp galangale, thinly sliced
  • 1 stalk lemongrass, outer leaves discarded, cut in two or crashed
  • 3 kaffir lime leaves, roughly cut
  • 2 salam or bay leaves
  • 500 ml/ 1 pint hot water
  • 1 tsp tamarind pulp soak in 2 tbsp water
  • 2 tbsp indonesian sweet soy sauce
  • salt to taste
  • sugar to taste
  • oil

Spice for the paste:

  • 8 shallots, chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 7 large red chillies, de-seeded, chopped
  • 5 candlenuts, roughly chopped or crashed
  • 2 cm ginger
  • 1/4 tsp roasted dried shrimp paste / terasi (optional)


  1. Cut or slice the beef into thinly rectangular shapes.
  2. Blend all ingredients for the spice paste in a blender or food processor until smooth. (If necessary add a little bit of oil to help the blending process).
  3. Heat 2 tbsp oil in a wok or shallow pan. (Don’t add oil if already added in a blender). Stir fry the paste, lemon grass, galangale, kaffir-lime leaf and bay leaf. Stirring all the time until well cooked & fragrant. (approx. 10 minutes). 
  4. Add the beef & chopped tomato. Stir and cook until the beef colour turns to white.
  5. Add the hot water & adjust into medium heat. Simmer for approx 20 minutes until the water is absorbed and the beef is well cooked. Stir occasionally.
  6. Add the tamarind water & sweet soy sauce, stir to mix. Adjust the seasoning, add salt & sugar to taste. Serve hot.

3. Fully Seasoned Beef Dish

3 delicious & easy beef recipes with balinese style
3 delicious & easy beef recipes with balinese style


0.5 kg lean stewing beef, cut in chunks

2 medium onions, chopped

2 tablespoons sambal oelek

3-4 birds eye chiles

4cloves garlic

1 teaspoon shrimp paste

4 kaffir lime leaves

3 bay leaves

½ cup sweet soy sauce

⅓ cup oil (for frying)





  1. Add enough water to the beef to cover, bring very slowly to a simmer and cook until done, (as with making any stock, this can take a few hours).
  2. Put in the food processor: onions, sambal, chilies, garlic and shrimp paste.
  3. Process until you have a paste.
  4. Fry this paste in the oil on a medium heat for a few minutes together with the kaffir and bay leaves.
  5. Add soy sauce, a little vinegar, the cooked meat and 1 to 2 cups of the meat stock.
  6. Simmer for approx 15 minutes, and then taste for salt, sugar and maybe more vinegar.

Whenever you’re looking for something to boost your energy, remember to  buy beef online  at Luxofood and get cooking. You can find a different variety of beef cuts that are fresh, flavorful and high quality at our store, along with all the ingredients to recreate your own version of beef recipes above. Good luck!

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